Worldwide patent search
Research, UX consultation, UX prototyping, Responsive solution
Client Feedback
Written by Stefan Klocke
EPO Programme Manager
April 5, 2020
Mrs. Gelin has demonstrated, in this new role, her strong communication abilities with demanding internal user groups. She succeeded in introducing a systematic approach, based on iterative reviews with large numbers of users. Her UX design for highlighting markers is well remembered, to this day, by the responsible DG1 senior users. Mrs Gelin produced in 2019 a review of the Ansera UI, that has become a guideline for the Search programme in the strategic plan 2023.
Mrs. Gelin was given the opportunity to think out of the box, by participating in the EVA conceptual prototype. The result of this work, an animated film, showcased how assisted search and examination could look in the EPO. The film was extremely positively received by the EPO president and senior management. Mrs Gelin has demonstrated her ability to learn quickly about examination, to work against tight deadlines and above all her strong delivery orientation.
I have experienced Mrs. Gelin as adaptable, motivated and driven to deliver results and can highly recommend her.